Remove all debuffs

Remove all debuffs. Not nullified by Nullify Buff.

Type: Buff
Duration: 1 turn

Status ID: 4

Bestow Status

Base Skill
Tetsuox (☆3 Standard)
Tetsuox (☆4 Standard)
[When Leaving] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Grieving Guardian
Surtr (☆4 Valentine)
[When Leaving] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Metabolic Burner
Tomte (☆4 Standard)
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
Defeater of Decadence
Kalki (☆4 Christmas)
[Turn Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 50 ~ 100%
Furufumi (☆4 Festival)
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 45 ~ 90%
Returning Dreamer
Alice (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Remove all debuffs to enemies / 45 ~ 90%
Smoky God (☆4 Standard)
[Turn Start] (Total turns 5, 10, 15...) Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 50 ~ 100%
Reflecting on Oneself
Jugo (☆4 Summer)
[After Moving] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 50 ~ 100%
Bubble Blower
Sarutahiko (☆3 Standard)
Sarutahiko (☆4 Standard)
[When Leaving] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Star Reader
Tsukuyomi (☆4 Halloween)
[After Hitting] Apply Remove all debuffs to enemies / 20 ~ 40%
Field Noble
Ixbalanque (☆4 Standard)
[Turn Start] (If CP == 100) Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 50 ~ 100%
Summer Day's Noon Lights
Leib (☆5 Summer)
[Turn Start] (If HP < 20%) Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 40 ~ 80%
Sky Survey Buddy
Algernon (☆4 Summer)
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 45 ~ 90%
Dragon King of Muspel
Fafnir (☆5 Standard)
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Colorful Photographer
Zhurong (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting] Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units / 35 ~ 70%
Michael (☆5 Standard)
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Charge Skill
Pollux (☆4 Christmas)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Breke (☆3 Standard)
Breke (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Leib (☆3 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%
Leib (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%
Tomte (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 100%
Jacob (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Heracles (☆3 Standard)
Heracles (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Nezha (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Shiva (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies / 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and hit units / 100%
Marduk (☆3 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Marduk (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting (Any CS Hit)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Seth (☆5 Valentine)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%
Zhurong (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units / 100%
Wakan Tanka∞ (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies
    Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units / 100%
Itzamna (☆4 Valentine)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%
Ulaanbaatar (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%
Arsalan (☆5 Summer)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%
モウショウ (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies / 100%