
Increase CP by ~8 at the end of turn

Type: Buff
Duration: 3 turns

Status ID: 35

Bestow Status

Base Skill
Gunzo (☆3 Standard)
Gunzo (☆4 Standard)
Nobuharu (☆3 Standard)
Nobuharu (☆4 Standard)
Kyuma (☆3 Standard)
Kyuma (☆4 Standard)
Shuten (☆3 Standard)
Shuten (☆4 Standard)
Taurus Mask (☆3 Standard)
Ifrit (☆3 Standard)
Ifrit (☆4 Standard)
Wakan Tanka (☆3 Standard)
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Standard)
Durga (☆3 Standard)
Durga (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Temujin (☆3 Standard)
Temujin (☆4 Standard)
Garmr (☆3 Standard)
Garmr (☆4 Standard)
Hati (☆3 Standard)
Hati (☆4 Standard)
[Phase Start] Apply Acceleration to self / 30 ~ 60%
R-19 (☆3 Standard)
[When Hit(2)] Apply Acceleration to self / 18 ~ 36%
Rugby Ranger
Gunzo (☆5 Valentine)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Gunzo (☆3 Standard)
Gunzo (☆4 Standard)
Wakan Tanka (☆3 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Eita (☆3 Standard)
Eita (☆4 Standard)
Eita (☆5 Set Sail)
Makara (☆3 Standard)
Makara (☆4 Standard)
Typhon (☆3 Standard)
Typhon (☆4 Standard)
Triton (☆4 Standard)
Kijimuna (☆3 Standard)
Fire Pirate
Water Pirate
Wood Pirate
Aether Pirate
Nether Pirate
Fire Merman
Water Merman
Wood Merman
Aether Merman
Nether Merman
Infernal Merman
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 45 ~ 90%
Wave Commander
Ganglie (☆4 Journey)
[When Appearing] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Jilted Lover
Takemaru (☆3 Standard)
Takemaru (☆5 Standard)
[On Miss] Apply Acceleration to self / 45 ~ 90%
Time Traveler
Algernon (☆3 Standard)
Algernon (☆4 Standard)
[Phase Start] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Jambavan (☆4 Nightmare)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 50 ~ 100%
Jubilant Athlete
Taurus Mask (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Enterprising Entrepreneur
Gyumao (☆4 Valentine)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
Intuitive Athlete
Gunzo (☆5 Valentine)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Loyal Retainer
Aizen (☆4 Jamboree)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Impetuous Sunshine
Shennong (☆5 Summer)
[When Hit(2)] Apply Acceleration to self / 20 ~ 40%
New Era Pioneer
Algernon (☆4 Summer)
[Phase Start] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Wind Gazer
Ded (☆5 Christmas)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Bull Tamer
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Beltane Illusionist
Cait Sith (☆4 Standard)
[Turn Start] (Total turns 5, 11, 17...) Apply Acceleration to self / 30 ~ 60%
In the Heat of the Moment
Catoblepas (☆4 Summer)
[Before Hitting] Apply Acceleration to self / 50 ~ 100%
Defense Player
Ixbalanque (☆3 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 45 ~ 90%
Reserve Defender
Ixbalanque (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
Cantering Replicant
R-19 (☆4 Standard)
[When Hit(2)] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
Fast-Swimming Shark
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
Otter (☆3 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
Miniaturizing Divider
Otter (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
Oni Law Agent
Toji (☆5 Valentine)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self / 45 ~ 90%
Student Space Merc
Willie Wildcat (☆3 Standard)
[Turn Start] Apply Acceleration to allies / 40 ~ 80%
Future World's Starman
Willie Wildcat (☆5 Standard)
[Turn Start] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
Rainbow Gazer
Tu'er Shen (☆3 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
Heterochromic Rabbit
Tu'er Shen (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
Starman ∀
Starman ∞
Starman Φ
[Before Hitting] Apply Acceleration to allies / 40 ~ 80%
Past Summer Lover
Tanngrisnir (☆4 Mountain)
[After Buff] Apply Acceleration to self / 40 ~ 80%
Fortune Dealing Young Santa
Yule (☆4 Standard)
[After Moving] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
Girl and Robot
Curren & MS-C1 (☆3 Standard)
[Turn Start] Apply Acceleration to self, allies and nearby enemies / 100%
Just the Two of Us
Curren & MS-C1 (☆5 Standard)
[Turn Start] Apply Acceleration to self, allies and nearby enemies / 100%
Charge Skill
Hanuman (☆3 Standard)
Hanuman (☆4 Standard)
Ikutoshi (☆3 Standard)
Ikutoshi (☆4 Standard)
Garmr (☆3 Standard)
Garmr (☆4 Standard)
Nomad (☆3 Standard)
Nomad (☆4 Standard)
Jiraiya (☆3 Standard)
Jiraiya (☆4 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 100%
Nomad (☆4 Island)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 100%
Gyumao (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to self / 100%
Ganglie (☆4 Journey)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to allies / 100%
Gyumao (☆3 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to self / 100%
Tanngrisnir (☆3 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to self / 100%
Tanngrisnir (☆5 Standard)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 100%
AR Equipment Skill
[When Appearing] Apply Acceleration to self / 20 ~ 100%
[After Hitting] Apply Acceleration to self / 45 ~ 90%
[Phase Start] Apply Acceleration to self and allies / 50 ~ 100%

Advantages and removal

Base Skill Bael (☆3 Standard) (1.5x)
Bael (☆5 Standard) (2.0x)
AR Equipment Skill gandharva_thunderbird (1.4x)

Trigger conditions

This status is a trigger condition for: