[魔の部族の民] ブラックトライヴ
Black Tribe
Rarity 2 Cost 4
HP 125 + 98.28 * (Lv-1) ATK 117 + 62.54 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 55 5431.88 ATK @ 55 3494.2
Max HP 9397.39 Max ATK 6745.02
Guild Summoners School Unknown
Affiliation None
Islander [Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40 ~ 80%
Gardener [After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Anointed One [After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
Citizen of Death [When Hit(2)] Apply Glint to self / 22 ~ 44%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Break to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (73)