[紫の御使い] 冥のエンジェル
Nether Angel
Rarity 1 Cost 2
HP 70 + 91.21 * (Lv-1) ATK 55 + 71.78 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 50 4539.5 ATK @ 50 3572.0
Max HP 8363.79 Max ATK 7007.51
Guild Summoners School Unknown
Affiliation None
Judgement Dealer [After Hitting] Apply Stigma to hit units / 35 ~ 70%
Winged One [While Moving] Increase horizontal movement by 1 / 100%
Heavenly Messenger [After Moving] Apply Blessing to allies / 25 ~ 50%
Enforcer [Attack Modifier] Deal 1.6x damage to Stigma-affected enemies / 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Stigma to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (91)