[マフィアのドン] シームルグ
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 319 + 90.17 * (Lv-1) ATK 281 + 66.97 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 60 5639.23 ATK @ 60 4232.19
Max HP 9442.7 Max ATK 7571.58
Guild Wanderers School Unknown
Affiliation None
Eternally Living [After Buff] Apply Guts to self / 25 ~ 50%
[Before Hitting] Increase 100 ~ 200 HP to allies / 35 ~ 70%
Punisher [Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Regeneration-affected enemies / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Regeneration to hit units / 45 ~ 90%
[Before Hitting] Apply Healing Reversal to hit units / 50 ~ 100%
Influential One [While Moving] Increase horizontal movement by 1 / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Regeneration to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
Nest Builder [Move Phase End] Apply Protection to allies / 35 ~ 70%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 1, 4, 7...) Apply Slight ATK Up (Stackable 16) to allies
    (Total turns 2, 5, 8...) Apply Slight ATK Up (Stackable 17) to allies
    (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply Slight ATK Up (Stackable 18) to allies / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Oppression to hit units
    Apply Oppression Advantage to self and allies
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (81)
[暗黒街に巣喰う] シームルグ
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 657 + 89.44 * (Lv-1) ATK 543 + 66.68 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 6381.08 ATK @ 65 4810.76
Max HP 10169.86 Max ATK 8144.43
Guild Wanderers School Unknown
Affiliation None
Bird King of Eternal Life [After Buff] Apply Guts to self / 25 ~ 50%
[Before Hitting] Increase 100 ~ 200 HP to allies / 45 ~ 90%
[Phase Start] Apply Glint to self / 50 ~ 100%
Punishment by Example [Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Regeneration-affected enemies / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Regeneration to hit units / 45 ~ 90%
[Before Hitting] Apply Healing Reversal to hit units / 50 ~ 100%
Influential Don [While Moving] Increase horizontal movement by 1 / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Regeneration to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
Saena of Hideouts [Move Phase End] Apply Protection to allies / 35 ~ 70%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 1, 4, 7...) Apply Slight ATK Up (Stackable 16) to allies
    (Total turns 2, 5, 8...) Apply Slight ATK Up (Stackable 17) to allies
    (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply Slight ATK Up (Stackable 18) to allies / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Oppression to hit units and enemies near them
    Apply Oppression Advantage to self and allies
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (65)
Relations with other transients
Like Q'ursha
Dislike Krampus