[消防青年団員] アキハゴンゲン
Akiha Gongen
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 332 + 101.51 * (Lv-1) ATK 268 + 55.63 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 60 6321.1 ATK @ 60 3550.33
Max HP 10351.31 Max ATK 6662.98
Guild Creators School Akihabara Academy
Affiliation None
Rescuer [After Moving] Apply Anchor to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
[After Moving] Apply Protection to allies / 40 ~ 80%
Safety Snarer [After Hitting] Pull in hit units by 2 squares / 50 ~ 100%
[After Moving] Apply Bind to enemies / 30 ~ 60%
Waterfall Meditator [While Moving] Increase vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Phase Start] Apply Guts to self / 45 ~ 90%
[Opponent Turn Start] Push away enemies by 2 squares / 35 ~ 70%
Dark Crow Tengu [Phase Start] Apply Adamantine to self / 50 ~ 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove 6 statuses from self / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply CS Lock to hit units
    Apply Remove Debuff to allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (78)
[火伏のカラス天狗] アキハゴンゲン
Akiha Gongen
Rarity 5 Cost 24
HP 1460 + 91.12 * (Lv-1) ATK 940 + 57.86 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 70 7747.45 ATK @ 70 4932.14
Max HP 11569.9 Max ATK 8089.29
Guild Creators School Akihabara Academy
Affiliation None
Orange Rescuer [After Moving] Apply Anchor to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
[After Moving] Increase 150 ~ 300 HP to allies / 30 ~ 60%
[After Moving] Apply Protection to allies / 40 ~ 80%
Reliable Roper [After Hitting] Pull in hit units by 3 squares / 50 ~ 100%
[After Moving] Apply Bind to enemies / 35 ~ 70%
Waterfall Transcendent [While Moving] Increase vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Phase Start] Apply Guts to self / 50 ~ 100%
[Opponent Turn Start] Push away enemies by 2 squares / 45 ~ 90%
Firesnuffer Tengu [Phase Start] Apply Adamantine to self
    Increase 10 ~ 20 CP to allies / 50 ~ 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove 6 statuses from self / 50 ~ 100%
[After Moving] Apply Tenacity to self and allies / 45 ~ 90%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply CS Lock to hit units
    Increase 5 ~ 10 CP to allies
    Apply Remove Debuff to allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (78)
[夏休みのファイアファイター] アキハゴンゲン
Akiha Gongen
Rarity 5 Cost 24
HP 1234 + 87.02 * (Lv-1) ATK 1166 + 61.96 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 70 7238.41 ATK @ 70 5441.18
Max HP 10978.82 Max ATK 8680.37
Guild Creators School Akihabara Academy
Affiliation None
Beach-Tanned [When Appearing] Apply Non-Burn Strengthening to self
    Apply Burn Strengthening to self / 50 ~ 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Charm Weakening to self / 100%
[Turn Start] Increase 250 ~ 500 HP to self / 40 ~ 80%
Summer Black Tengu [Before Hitting] Apply Conflagration to hit units and enemies near them / 45 ~ 90%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Burn-affected enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Conflagration-affected enemies / 100%
Venerator of Oonamuchi [Turn Start] (Phase turn 1) Apply Crit to self
    (Phase turn 2) Apply Crit+ to self
    (Phase turn 3) Apply Crit+ to self / 50 ~ 100%
Ascertainer [Phase Start] Apply Guts to self / 45 ~ 90%
[Move Phase End] Increase 250 ~ 500 HP to allies / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting] Apply Bind to hit units / 30 ~ 60%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Burn to self
    Apply Burn to hit units
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (68)
Relations with other transients
Like Kresnik
Raven Arthur
Dislike Tindalos
Babe Bunyan