[清廉なる釣人] エビス
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 526 + 104.13 * (Lv-1) ATK 164 + 52.43 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 60 6669.83 ATK @ 60 3257.29
Max HP 10752.48 Max ATK 6305.86
Guild Unaffiliated School Toyosu Marine Academy
Affiliation None
Seafarer [Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Swimmer enemies / 100%
Wrangler [After Hitting] Pull in hit units by 1 square / 35 ~ 70%
[Before Hitting] Increase 100 ~ 200 HP to self and allies / 35 ~ 70%
Hoster of Feasts [Before Hitting] Increase 80 ~ 160 HP to hit units and allies
    Increase 5 ~ 10 CP to hit units and allies / 50 ~ 100%
Fortune Seeker [Before Hitting] Apply Crit++ to self / 8 ~ 16%
[When Hit(2)] Apply Blessing to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Pull in hit units by 2 squares
    Apply Break to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (79)
[宝船の釣人] エビス
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 1022 + 110.05 * (Lv-1) ATK 389 + 45.23 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 8065.27 ATK @ 65 3284.02
Max HP 12266.29 Max ATK 6188.71
Guild Unaffiliated School Toyosu Marine Academy
Affiliation None
Seafarer [Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Swimmer enemies / 100%
Rabid Fisher [After Hitting] Pull in hit units by 1 square / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting] Increase 100 ~ 200 HP to self and allies / 50 ~ 100%
Hoster of Feasts [Before Hitting] Increase 80 ~ 160 HP to hit units and allies
    Increase 5 ~ 10 CP to hit units and allies / 50 ~ 100%
Fortune Seeker [Before Hitting] Apply Crit++ to self / 8 ~ 16%
[When Hit(2)] Apply Blessing to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
Skill Evolution(s)
Big Catch Regaler [Before Hitting] Increase 80 ~ 160 HP to hit units and allies
    Increase 5 ~ 10 CP to hit units and allies / 50 ~ 100%
[After Buff] Increase 150 ~ 300 HP to allies / 30 ~ 60%
[Turn Start] Apply Nourishment to allies / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Pull in hit units by 4 squares
    Apply Break to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (62)
[復活のミイラ] エビス
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 750 + 106.94 * (Lv-1) ATK 450 + 49.18 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 7594.08 ATK @ 65 3597.76
Max HP 11732.86 Max ATK 6581.43
Guild Unaffiliated School Toyosu Marine Academy
Affiliation None
Mummy of All Saints' Day [After Buff] Apply Bind to enemies / 20 ~ 40%
[Phase Start] Apply Guts to self / 50 ~ 100%
Atop the Stage [After Buff] Apply Freeze to enemies / 25 ~ 50%
[Phase Start] Apply Glint to self / 45 ~ 90%
Linked Arms With the Dark [When Hit(1)] Apply Nullify Buff to hitting units / 45 ~ 90%
[On Miss] Decrease -2000 ~ -4000 HP to enemies / 50 ~ 100%
[On Miss] Apply Protection to self / 45 ~ 90%
Interloper [When Hit(1)] Apply Remove Buff to hitting units / 35 ~ 70%
[On Miss] Apply Reflect Debuff to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting] Apply Concentration to self / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Decrease -1500 ~ -3000 HP to hit units
    Increase 200 ~ 400 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (84)
Relations with other transients
Like Hephaestus
Dislike Ahab