[土いじり農学生] ヴォーロス
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 526 + 116.41 * (Lv-1) ATK 149 + 42.11 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 60 7394.08 ATK @ 60 2633.62
Max HP 11722.24 Max ATK 5475.87
Guild Unaffiliated School Setagaya Agricultural Academy
Affiliation None
Peacemaker [Status Resistance] Remove Possession from self / 50 ~ 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Wraith enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Worker of Miracles enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Miraculous Bag Bearer enemies / 100%
Gardener [After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Sprouter [After Moving] Apply Combo to allies / 30 ~ 60%
Sower of Plenty [Before Hitting] Increase 50 ~ 100 HP to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Skill Evolution(s)
Sprouter+ [After Moving] Apply Combo to allies / 42 ~ 84%
[After Moving] Increase 600 ~ 1200 HP to self / 50 ~ 100%
Sower of Plenty + [Before Hitting] Increase 150 ~ 300 HP to allies / 50 ~ 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Nullify Debuff to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply Nourishment to allies / 45 ~ 90%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Possession to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (90)
[大地の恵み] ヴォーロス
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 951 + 113.67 * (Lv-1) ATK 326 + 42.01 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 8226.1 ATK @ 65 3014.65
Max HP 12499.57 Max ATK 5854.86
Guild Unaffiliated School Setagaya Agricultural Academy
Affiliation None
Peacemaker [Status Resistance] Remove Possession from self / 50 ~ 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Wraith enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Worker of Miracles enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Miraculous Bag Bearer enemies / 100%
Gardener [After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies / 45 ~ 90%
Sprouter [After Moving] Apply Combo to allies / 30 ~ 60%
Sower of Plenty [Before Hitting] Increase 50 ~ 100 HP to allies / 50 ~ 100%
Skill Evolution(s)
Sprouter+ [After Moving] Apply Combo to allies / 42 ~ 84%
[After Moving] Increase 600 ~ 1200 HP to self / 50 ~ 100%
Sower of Plenty + [Before Hitting] Increase 150 ~ 300 HP to allies / 50 ~ 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Nullify Debuff to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply Nourishment to allies / 45 ~ 90%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Possession to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (88)
[スイカスレイヤー] ヴォーロス
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 657 + 93.91 * (Lv-1) ATK 543 + 62.21 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 6667.12 ATK @ 65 4524.71
Max HP 10545.29 Max ATK 7769.0
Guild Unaffiliated School Setagaya Agricultural Academy
Affiliation None
Happy Harvester [After Moving] Apply Regeneration to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
[After Moving] Apply Vigor to allies / 35 ~ 70%
Cutter of Ties [Attack Modifier] Deal extra damage to 50 statuses / 100%
Summery Spirit [After Moving] Increase 8 ~ 16 CP to self / 50 ~ 100%
[After Moving] Apply Remove Debuff to allies / 35 ~ 70%
Sentimental Sap [Before Hitting] Apply Crit to self and allies / 15 ~ 30%
[Phase Start] Apply Glint to self / 45 ~ 90%
[Status Resistance] Remove Fear from self / 50 ~ 100%
Skill Evolution(s)
Lively Watermelon Master [After Moving] Increase 8 ~ 16 CP to self / 50 ~ 100%
[After Moving] Apply Remove Debuff to allies / 40 ~ 80%
[Move Phase End] Apply Exploding Watermelon to enemies / 45 ~ 90%
[Turn Start] Apply Spirit to self and allies / 40 ~ 80%
[After Buff] Apply Drain Advantage to allies / 35 ~ 70%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Curse to hit units
    Apply CS Lock to hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (70)
Relations with other transients
Like Goemon
Babe Bunyan
Dislike Kimun Kamui