[復讐の戦忍] タダトモ
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 558 + 96.82 * (Lv-1) ATK 256 + 60.42 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 60 6270.16 ATK @ 60 3820.68
Max HP 10206.49 Max ATK 7029.05
Guild Agents School Unknown
Affiliation Eight Dog Warriors
Reincarnate [Before Hitting] Apply Guts to self
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self / 12 ~ 24%
Avenger [When Hit(2)] Apply Rage to self / 20 ~ 40%
Blood of the Beast [After Moving] Apply Tenacity to self / 50 ~ 100%
Ninja [After Moving] Apply Evasion to self / 18 ~ 36%
Skill Evolution(s)
Avenger+ [When Hit(2)] Apply Rage to self / 30 ~ 60%
[When Hit(1)] Apply Oppression to hitting units / 30 ~ 60%
Avenger++ [When Hit(2)] Apply Rage+ to self / 40 ~ 80%
[When Hit(1)] Apply Oppression to hitting units / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Increase 400 ~ 800 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (83)
[仇討ちの炎] タダトモ
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 705 + 97.1 * (Lv-1) ATK 698 + 59.6 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 6919.53 ATK @ 65 4512.53
Max HP 10861.57 Max ATK 7704.57
Guild Agents School Unknown
Affiliation Eight Dog Warriors
Reincarnate [Before Hitting] Apply Guts to self
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self / 12 ~ 24%
Avenger [When Hit(2)] Apply Rage to self / 20 ~ 40%
Blood of the Beast [After Moving] Apply Tenacity to self / 50 ~ 100%
Ninja [After Moving] Apply Evasion to self / 18 ~ 36%
Skill Evolution(s)
Avenger+ [When Hit(2)] Apply Rage to self / 30 ~ 60%
[When Hit(1)] Apply Oppression to hitting units / 30 ~ 60%
Avenger++ [When Hit(2)] Apply Rage+ to self / 40 ~ 80%
[When Hit(1)] Apply Oppression to hitting units / 40 ~ 80%
Loyal Dog Warrior [After Moving] Apply Tenacity to self / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Conflagration to hit units / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Guts to allies / 20 ~ 40%
[After Moving] Apply Burn to enemies / 45 ~ 90%
[Attack Modifier] Deal extra damage to 6 statuses / 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Increase 400 ~ 800 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (87)
[熱き忠義と愛を] タダトモ
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 698 + 94.11 * (Lv-1) ATK 508 + 65.49 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 65 6721.18 ATK @ 65 4699.35
Max HP 10603.43 Max ATK 8009.14
Guild Agents; Summoners School Unknown
Affiliation Eight Dog Warriors
Love Trapper [After Hitting] Apply Bind to hit units / 26 ~ 52%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Bind-affected enemies / 100%
The Lovesick [Phase Start] Apply Berserk to self / 35 ~ 70%
Spiritual Dog Warrior [When Hit(2)] Apply Blessing to self and allies / 16 ~ 32%
Reincarnate [Before Hitting] Apply Guts to self
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self / 12 ~ 24%
Skill Evolution(s)
The Lovesick + [Phase Start] Apply Berserk+ to self / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Guts to self and allies
    Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self and allies / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (86)
[三人張十五束三伏] タダトモ
Rarity 5 Cost 24
HP 1255 + 96.38 * (Lv-1) ATK 1145 + 52.6 * (Lv-1)
HP @ 70 7905.05 ATK @ 70 4774.54
Max HP 11832.6 Max ATK 7826.58
Guild Summoners School Unknown
Affiliation Eight Dog Warriors
Conflagrated Samurai [Attack Modifier] Deal 3x damage to Burn-affected enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Conflagration-affected enemies
    Deal 100x damage to Evasion-affected enemies / 100%
Reviver [When Appearing] Apply Burn Strengthening to self / 50 ~ 100%
[Move Phase End] Apply Burn to enemies / 40 ~ 80%
[Before Hitting] Apply Conflagration to hit units / 45 ~ 90%
Paternal Admirer [When Appearing] Apply Guts to self / 50 ~ 100%
[After Buff] Apply Ardor to self and allies
    Apply Blessing to self and allies / 30 ~ 60%
Wishful Bloomer [Status Resistance] Remove Possession from self / 50 ~ 100%
[Before Hitting] Decrease -200 ~ -400 HP to hit units + Steal 100% of decreased HP / 45 ~ 90%
[After Hitting] Decrease -10 ~ -20 CP to hit units + Steal 100% of decreased CP / 45 ~ 90%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Increase 300 ~ 600 HP to self and allies
    Apply Burn to self and hit units / 100%
Equipable AR Equipment (62)
Relations with other transients
Like Andvari
Dislike Simurgh